Donuts in Crisis Control is a non-profit organization working tirelessly to raise awareness and educate the public on donut abuse. Our goal is to bring an end to the slaughter of donuts and save those that are at-risk. Did you know that each year over 10 billion donuts are murdered every year in the United States alone? Donut violence has reached an all-time high with research showing the average American consuming nearly 63 donuts a year.

Founded by Dillon "Donut" Francis whose family continues to shrink from the once plump size of a baker’s dozen, Donuts In Crisis Control® (DICC) is the nation’s largest and only nonprofit working to protect pastries, breakfast items, & desserts from donut abuse. The DICC also supports glazed and sugar victim survivors at no charge.

Please join me, Dillon "Donut" Francis, in boycotting donut terror and helping those in need.

Change your social media profile or cover photo to the Donuts In Crisis Control logo to show your support for the cause.

Every person you make aware of this crisis can change the lives of donuts across the world.